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Events and Awards









WWHP'S events provide a platform to fulfill our mission of telling stories of Chicago women who have fought for justice and equality and of offering Chicago women the opportunity to tell their own stories.

Descriptions of Previous Events: 1995 - 2009 / 2010 - 2020

Click here to see photos of performances; women telling stories about their work lives; women displaying and selling their artwork; celebrations of May Day and Mother Jones; events on childcare, the importance of voting, and more.



WWHP Award Recipients

We give the Mother Jones Award to the individual who exemplifies the traits of Mother Jones: her courage, her passion and her commitment to Workers Rights. See who has received the award in the past.


"We are all bound up together in one great bundle of humanity, and society cannot trample on the weakest and feeblest of its members without receiving the curse in its own soul.”

~ Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

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 © 2018—Working Women's History Project