Author: WWHP
Working Without Uniforms: School Nursing In Chicago 1951 – 2001
Helen Ramirez–Odell has written a book containing 86 stories, brief and extended, based on interviews of Chicago school…
Black Freedom Fighters in Steel: The Struggle for Democratic Unionism
Thousands of African Americans poured into northwest Indiana in the 1920s dreaming of decent-paying jobs and a life…
Class Action: The Story of Lois Jenson and the Landmark Case That Changed Sexual Harassment Law
This is the story of a small group of women iron miners who took on a Minnesota mining…
The Heat: Steelworker Lives & Legends
Harmon Lisnow knew that writing was not the typical pursuit of a steelworker when he invited 25,000 steelworkers…
Labor Pains: Inside America’s New Union Movement
Erem has worked in the union movement for the past dozen years as an organizer, a union rep,…
Taking Back Our Lives: A Call to Action for the Feminist Movement
This book examines the ongoing threat and reality of violence in its many forms and how that violence…
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America
Ehrenreich in this book calls attention to the millions of Americans working full-time, year-round, for poverty-level wages.
Media Matters: Chicago Women Journalists Working in Non-Traditional Media
A panel of women spoke of their experiences of having worked in traditional media and their current positions…
Exploring Progressive Women & Political Values
In 2021, Working Women’s History Project co-hosted a three-part series of Zoom webinars exploring the 2020 election and…
Recognition Delayed: African American Suffragists and Why Their Stories Matter
On March 8, 2020, a diverse, enthusiastic and engaged audience met at the University of Illinois Library to…