Radical Ideas! Women and the Vote

The play written by Mary Bonnett of Her Story Theater and originally performed in 2013 was performed three afternoons in 2018 at DANK Haus, the German American Cultural Center in Chicago. Each performance was followed by a panel discussing the importance of the vote. Event co-sponsors were the League of Women Voters, Chicago branch, Her Story Theater, and DANK Haus.

March 3, 2018
Panel Moderator: Sally Duros, Chicago Women Take Action
Panelists: Tara Stamps, Chicago Teachers Union Activist; Celina Villanueva, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights; Kristina Zahorik, State Central Committeewoman 14th Congressional District; Maureen Forte, Southside Community Activist

February 24, 2018
Panel Moderator: Kady McFadden, Sierra Club
Panelists: Annie Logue, League of Women Voters of Chicago; Betty Magness, Rainbow Push Coalition: ;Ibie Hart, Common Cause.

February 17, 2018
Panel Moderator: Judge Ann Breen-Greco, Chicago Women Take Action
Panelists: Joyce Chapman, Women Empowered for Civic Engagement; Pat Wilder, League of Women Voters of Chicago; Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth, State Leader of Indivisible Illinois.