WWHP donated 20 years of its papers, programs, plays and photos to Special Collections at the Richard J. Daley Library of the University of Illinois at Chicago.

It was a joyous occasion on October 2, 2017, when President Jackie Kirley along with vice presidents Helen Ramirez-Odell and Sue Straus, Secretary Amy Laiken, and board member, actor and playwright, Alma Washington delivered the WWHP archives to Peggy Glowacki, Special Collections Librarian, at the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The entire process took over two years, beginning with a committee of four drafting questions to ask when visiting archives, conducting the visits, assembling positives and negatives for each, and finally making a recommendation to the WWHP board. WWHP signed the deed of gift to the University Library at UIC in February, 2016.
Decision made, the collecting and sorting began. People found items they had forgotten they had. We had two or three group collections and at each memories were stirred and stories told.
Materials collected, we scanned some of them to keep a record, and then organized the lot–materials from 1995 through 2016. Included were programs, flyers, and photos from previous events, scripts from plays and performance pieces, paper newsletters, agendas and minutes, and even original art.