On, October 25, 2014, WWHP held its third annual fundraiser, Spoken Art. For three hours, the venue at SEIU Healthcare Illinois-Indiana was full of woman artists, speakers, musicians, WWHP board members, and guests.
After enjoying food and refreshments, guests listened to talks by Hedy Ratner, Mac-Z Zurawski, Sharon Norwood, and Melissa Josephs; folk musician Kristin Lems and WWHP board members Ken and Joan Morris performed; and a whole host of vendors sold art, knitwear, and even massages, performed by massage therapist Renee Ryan.
Spoken Art Celebrations were joyous celebrations with food, wine, and live music. Each featured 5–8 community activists who gave short speeches on their work and women artists who sold their wares. WWHP held Spoken Art Celebrations in 2012, 2013, and 2014.